48th Fimec comes to an end, reinforcing Brazil's position as one of the world's main footwear hubs

With more than 23,000 visitors from 36 countries, the fair moved the sector forward over the last three days, projecting growth for the year

The 48th edition of Fimec (IInternational Fair of Leather, Chemicals, Components, Machinery and Equipment for Footwear and Tanneries) has once again established itself as the main focal point for the leather-footwear sector. Held over the last three days, the fair came to an end on Thursday (20th) with an audience of more than 23,000 people in search of innovation, technology and new trends. Considered the largest fair in Latin America and one of the most important in the world, it brought together visitors from 36 countries and several Brazilian states, who were able to see first-hand the innovations that promise to transform the future of the industry.

For Fenac's CEO, Márcio Jung, this year's edition reinforced the strength of the sector and its potential for growth. “We had a brilliant Fimec, with a qualified audience and a significant presence of professionals and companies from Brazil and abroad. This is a reflection of the work we do, focusing on attracting international visitors,” he said.

In addition to the high number of visitors, once again the number of exhibitors was significant, driven by the business opportunities offered by the fair. “Large companies participate as an institutional positioning for brand strengthening. But what we've noticed is that small and medium-sized exhibitors find here a chance to get new customers, which is essential for the market,” Jung added.

As an example, Comelz Cutting Machines has already guaranteed its participation in the 2026 edition, celebrating this year's good results. “Fimec was excellent, because all the people who came were really interested, they didn't come to waste time. The fair is an opportunity to present our products to potential customers who don't know us yet,” said sales executive Giuseppe Seija.

Designer Mariane Fumagalli, from Componarte, also emphasized the importance of the fair for strengthening ties with clients. “Besides helping us complete our summer collections, Fimec is essential for connecting the company with our partners. It's an event we look forward to, because with each edition we manage to achieve our goals. It was definitely another great success,” she said

With intense activities over the three days, the 48th Fimec reaffirmed its relevance to the leather-footwear industry, strengthening Brazil as one of the main centers in the sector and projecting promising business for the following months. The event was attended by a total of 400 exhibitors, with the largest volume of space sold since 2017, with a total of 10,600 m².


The 2026 edition - The 49th Fimec (International Fair of Leather, Chemicals, Components, Machinery and Equipment for Footwear and Tanneries) is confirmed to take place from March 3th to 5th, from 1PM to 8PM, in the Fenac pavilions, in Novo Hamburgo/RS.


Concept Factory completes 15th edition with success

This year, the traditional Concept Factory was the most complete edition in the project's history. With five production lines, for the first time the action included the development of children's shoes, as well as women's shoes, sports shoes, safety shoes and bags. As well as demonstrating the production of shoes and bags in real time, inside the fair's pavilions, the event showcased the latest technological innovations and sustainable practices in the market. In an area of 1,600m², during the three days of Fimec, 2,750 pairs of shoes from the Piccadilly (900), Novopé (450), Marluvas (600) and CFP Senai (800) brands were produced, as well as 120 bags from Arezzo and Schutz brands.

The project was carried out by Coelho Assessoria Empresarial and the Brazilian Institute of Leather, Footwear and Artifact Technology (Instituto Brasileiro de Tecnologia do Couro, Calçado e Artefatos - IBTeC), in partnership with Fenac. “It took 80 companies together to make this project possible, which is complex by nature, but happens every year. It's a major attraction of the fair, and one that catches the eye of visitors,” said Valdir Soldi, executive president of IBTeC. To Luis Coelho, president of Coelho Assessoria Empresarial, the Concept Factory is the main attraction of the fair. “Rio Grande do Sul's major industries were present in this space. We receive visitors from many states and countries, especially Latin America,” he said. “Fimec is the meeting point for the leather-footwear sector and that's why we have to appreciate it. It's a boost for the sector's development,” said Coelho.


Fair discusses relevant issues in the sector

As well as bringing news to visitors, Fimec was the occasion for important debates between professionals in the cluster. One of them was the CICB Sustainability Forum, which took place alongside the trade fair program on the second day of the event (19th). In this edition, the Forum debated “Life Cycle Analysis (LCA)” with relevant names from the market. A trend in Brazil, the tool measures the environmental impact of a product or process, from the time raw materials are obtained to their reuse. The event was organized by the Brazilian Leather project, in partnership with the Brazilian Tanning Industry Center (Centro das Indústrias de Curtumes do Brasil - CICB) and the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (ApexBrasil).

On the last day of the fair (20th), the sector gathered for a panel on trade opportunities between Mercosul and the European Union, promoted by the German-Brazilian Chamber and the Commercial, Industrial and Services Association of Novo Hamburgo, Campo Bom, Estância Velha and Dois Irmãos (ACI-NH/CB/EV/DI). With a focus on the Partnership Agreement between Mercosul and the European Union, the meeting brought together experts and representatives from the business sector to discuss how Brazilian companies can benefit from the opening up of markets, with emphasis on easier access to exports, international financing lines and expanding their presence in the European market.


About the 48th Fimec: organized by Fenac Experiências Conectam, presented by Sicredi Pioneira and sponsored by Transduarte, BADESUL, Brastema and Henkel. The fair was also supported by Abicalçados, Abqtic, Abrameq, ACI-NH/CB/EV/DI, Aicsul, Assintecal, CICB, IBTeC and Sebrae/RS. Fimec 2025 took place from March 18th to 20th at Fenac, in Novo Hamburgo/RS (Brazil). More information about the fair at: www.fimec.com.br. 


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