Fimec 2024 will be the biggest edition in recent years

With an exhibition area of around 14,000 m², the fair will bring together the leather and footwear sector in March

The largest leather-footwear trade fair in Latin America will bring the sector together from March 12th to 14th, 2024, at Fenac, in Novo Hamburgo/RS (Brazil). With the motto "Innovation, Technology and Positive Impact in the World", the 47th Fimec (International Fair of Leather, Chemicals, Components, Machines and Equipment for Footwear and Tanneries) will present new products and promote business between all the sectors in the cluster. Recognized as the only one that has everything for the sector, Fimec will bring together launches from production to logistics, including hides and leathers, chemicals, components, machines, technology and innovation.

According to Marcio Jung, Fenac's CEO, this Fimec is set to be an outstanding edition. "Fimec 2024 is already shaping up to be the biggest trade fair in the last 10 years in terms of exhibition area, reaching almost 14,000 m², which means we'll have even more exhibitors and more news next year," he emphasizes. "This is an international event that is an important business driver for the cluster, contributing to economic development that goes far beyond the region and the state, impacting all of Brazil and different countries," says Jung. Visitors from more than 30 countries and 25 Brazilian states are expected at the fair.

Registration is now open and is free of charge for professionals in the sector, by the website: Children under 14 are not allowed. Held by Fenac Experiências Conectam, the fair is presented by Sicredi Pioneira, sponsored by Covestro and Transduarte and has the support of the sector's organizations: Abicalçados, Abiacav, Abqtic, Abrameq, ACI-NH/CB/EV, Aicsul, Assintecal, CICB, Fiergs, IBTeC, Sebrae/RS and SITERGS.


Attractions offer knowledge and experiences

Visitors to Fimec 2024 will find much more than new products from exhibitors in the Fenac pavilions. Traditionally, the fair has spaces for knowledge and experiences so that the sector can keep up to date, consume content and be aware of changes in the market. " Fenac's aim is to provide the right environment for business to take place during Fimec, seeking to bring in qualified visitors and offering attractions for professionals and companies in the leather-footwear sector to grow and change with each edition," Jung said.

Following on from last year's success, the CICB Sustainability Forum will take place again during the fair, on March 13th, 2024. Heldby the Brazilian Leather project (an initiative of the Center for the Brazilian Tanning Industry - Centro das Indústrias de Curtumes do Brasil - CICB - and the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency - Agência Brasileira de Promoção de Exportações e Investimentos - ApexBrasil), the activity will present ideas, directions and innovations for the leather chain from market experts. The Concept Factory will present the reality of the industry, with production lines set up inside the Fenac pavilions, where footwear from partner brands is produced in real time. In this way, visitors can see the applicability of the innovations presented and the technology of the machines on display at Fimec.


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