Fimec gathers the leather-footwear sector from March 7th to 9th

The largest fair of the cluster in Latin America will take place at Fenac, in Novo Hamburgo/RS (Brazil)

Recognized as the largest fair of the leather-footwear sector in Latin America, the 46th Fimec (International Fair of Leather, Chemical Products, Components, Machines, and Equipment for Footwear and Tannery) will gather the cluster from March 7th to 9th, in the Fenac pavilions, in Novo Hamburgo/RS, Brazil. With the motto "New Moment. New Business. The only one that has everything for the footwear-leather market", this edition will approach an industry that is more and more sustainable, attentive to the market's behavior. Registration for the professional fair is free and is already open at , where you can also check the complete list of exhibitors in this edition.


One of the main differentials of the Fimec is the fact that it is the only fair in the world that brings together the entire operation of the leather-footwear sector in one place. From production to logistics, visitors will find the latest news in hides and skins, chemicals, components, machinery, technology and innovation for different areas of the sector. Featuring about 350 exhibitors in this edition, the Fimec 2023 is expected to gather a public of 20 thousand visitors. "We are already 30% larger than the previous edition, exceeding 10 thousand m²", celebrates Marcio Jung, Fenac's CEO.


Jung also points out that Fenac is doing an intense work of disclosure with the professionals from South America. "We are increasingly consolidating the Fimec as the great fair of the Americas and emphasizing the need for all people involved in the footwear-leather cluster to visit us," he points out. In addition, the CEO tells that they are also receiving daily requests for letters for visitors from countries that need visas, mainly from Africa and Asia. "We believe in an extraordinary Fimec in this year of challenges, because it is also a time of many opportunities," he concludes.


Exhibitors will present trends

Among the exhibitors confirmed in this edition is the Sazi Group, which has participated in the fair since the company was founded. "The Fimec has a special place in our history. At the fair we connected with different customers, who made it possible for Sazi to reach the 39-year mark in the market", explains Edson Borsoi, the group's commercial manager. When talking about the expectations for this year, Borsoi reinforces that they are excited to present news to the market. "The Fimec is the fair with the greatest visibility in our sector and we are confident that this will be an excellent edition for business, public and technology!”.


The commercial manager also highlights that, at the Fimec, Sazi will offer solutions for the most diverse market challenges. "We will present new production models that are more efficient and economical, in addition to 3D printing, which adds even more value to the footwear, increasing the possibilities of customization and performance," highlights Borsoi.


CICB Sustainability Forum will take place at the fair

Aiming to gather ideas, positive examples and innovations for the leather chain, the CICB Sustainability Forum will take place along with the Fimec program, on March 8. With the theme "Paths to traceability", the event will present new possibilities to the professionals of the sector from lectures by market experts. After two editions in online format, the event returns to the face-to-face version, gathering five lectures and a panel in which tools, solutions, evolution, and perspectives in the traceability field will be presented. Geotechnology, automation, the reach of data, and the main figures of the current panorama of the leather industry will be on the agenda with experts from Brazil and abroad. Registration is free and is already open at


Concept Factory and Fimec Studio will be experience areas

Projects confirmed for the Fimec 2023, the Fimec Studio and the Concept Factory will present consumption, behavior and technology trends at the fair. The Fimec Studio is a research environment, where visitors can see up close the result of a broad study focused on the behavior that guides the product. This year, the space will bring together the concepts of sustainability, digitalization, frugality and comfort. The Concept Factory, on its turn, will show the reality of the industries: production lines will be assembled inside the Fenac pavilions and shoes of partner brands will be produced in real time, showing the visitor the application of the technology of the exhibitors' machines working in a shoe assembly.

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