CICB Sustainability Forum confirms edition during the Fimec 2023

The attraction will take place on March 8th, at Fenac, in Novo Hamburgo/ RS

A partnership between the 46th Fimec (International Fair of Leather, Chemical Products, Components, Machinery and Equipment for Footwear and Tanneries) and the CICB (Center for the Brazilian Tanning Industry) has confirmed the realization of the CICB Sustainability Forum during the fair's program, on March the 08th of 2023. The Fimec will gather the leather-footwear cluster on March the 07th, the 08th and the 09th, at Fenac, in Novo Hamburgo/RS



Aiming to bring together ideas, positive examples, and innovations for the leather chain, the Forum will present new directions for the sector's professionals through lectures with market experts. After two editions in online format, the event returns to the face-to-face version. " We' re sure that the CICB Sustainability Forum will bring to its audience and to the Fimec extremely current and relevant debates which are in line with the demands of the leather chain in the world," projected José Fernando Bello, executive president of CICB.


For Fenac, the promoter of Fimec, it's essential and natural that CICB and Fimec get together to hold the CICB Forum within the fair. "Fimec is the only event that brings together the entire footwear-leather industry, not only in Brazil, but also in Latin America. And, at the same time, the CICB is one of the most important associations related to leather in the world, which fights for the development of the Brazilian leather industry", evaluated Marcio Jung, Fenac's CEO.


Jung also remembered that sustainability has already been a topic explored in the last Fimec editions. "This makes it crucial and appropriate that this issue is also addressed in relation to the leather element, which is so present in the global footwear industry and that is often misunderstood by people," he explained. "Through technicians and authorities on the subject, the Forum will be a moment to demystify this understanding about the use of leather in the sector, showing that it is ecologically correct," added Jung.


For the CICB, holding the Forum during the Fimec converges with the general purpose of the events. " Both events seek to unite the professionals of the leather chain in platforms that share innovation, knowledge and networking," said Bello, pointing out that the Fimec is a renowned meeting place for major brands and people, as well as the CICB Sustainability Forum. "This partnership tends to further strengthen the sector and provide a special moment in Novo Hamburgo, with a very qualified audience and great ideas that will support Brazil's industry strategy," he projected.


More information about the Forum will soon be disclosed on the Fimec and CICB communication channels: and


Fimec 2023: the fair is sponsored by Covestro and Transduarte and has the support of Abicalçados, Abiacav, Abqtic, Abrameq, ACI-NH/CB/EV, Aicsul, Assintecal, CICB, Fiergs, IBTeC and Sebrae/RS. More information through the site and social medias @feirafimec


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