Fimec starts tomorrow (March 8th) in Novo Hamburgo

The professional fair takes place until March 10th, at Fenac, in Novo Hamburgo/RS

The largest fair in the leather-footwear sector in Latin America is about to begin. From March 8th to the 10th, the 45th Fimec (International Fair of Leather, Chemical Products, Components, Machinery and Equipment for Footwear and Tanneries) will present new features and foster business deals between all sectors of the leather-footwear chain. The event takes place every day from 1 to 8pm, at the Fenac pavilions, in Novo Hamburgo/RS


With around 280 exhibitors and brands, Fimec expects to gather a visiting public of 25 thousand professionals from the leather-footwear sector during the three days of the event. At the fair, the public will be able to see the launch of products, technology and services, providing the ideal environment for networking, prospecting and closing deals.


In addition to business and knowledge, Fimec is recognized as an internationally relevant fair and will bring together exhibitors from eight countries: Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guatemala, Italy, Peru and Uruguay. Among the visitors, professionals from 30 countries have already registered, in addition to Brazil, including territories such as: South Africa, Argentina, Bangladesh, Chile, Dominican Republic, the United Arab Emirates, Ecuador, the United States of America, Guatemala, India, Japan, New Zealand, Pakistan, the United Kingdom, Senegal, Turkey, among others.


Fimec also has a partnership with six hotels in the region, most of which are already full for the fair period. Besides that, the event offers a special free transfer service for visitors from Porto Alegre/Canoas/São Leopoldo > Novo Hamburgo > São Leopoldo/Canoas/Porto Alegre. For more information, please go the event’s official website:


Fimec's Backstage - Fimec's assembly process is in the final stretch and involved 45 assemblers that added up to 600 direct jobs. Around 100 professionals will be hired to work during the three days of the event, including security, cleaning, registration, customer service and civil firemen services. Moreover, to date, more than 1600 exhibitor credentials have been issued for the event.


The fair will feature several attractions, such as:


Fórum Fimec brings lectures and panel discussions with renowned professionals

The 4th edition of Fórum Fimec will take place on the second day of the fair, March 9th, from 2 to 5 pm, presenting a program focused on market news and trends, with relevant content to really transform the leather-footwear sector.


The event will present national and international lectures, as well as a panel discussion on the current market, bringing together the following themes: Brazilian sustainable fashion, the American footwear market, innovation and sustainability in adhesives and worldwide sourcing of footwear. “We will address the migration of sourcing from Asia to the West and the opportunities for Brazil and the Americas to take advantage of this moment. Besides that, the debaters present at the event are experiencing intensely all this market movement, negotiating and serving clients from the United States of America and Europe. It will be a great debate!”, comments Marcio Jung, CEO of Fenac.


Tickets can be purchased through the website, where you can also check more information about the event. Fórum Fimec is sponsored by HENKEL, a Leader in Adhesive Solutions, BADESUL and COLORGRAF, with the master support from UNIVERSIDADE FEEVALE and also supported by other entities in the leather-footwear sector.



Fábrica Conceito presents technological innovation and sustainability

Focused on presenting solutions that boost the Brazilian industry also for the export market, Fábrica Conceito reaches its 12th edition presenting the production of shoes in real time, highlighting an export-type model and another in knit material, with direct injection in PU.  The Factory (Fábrica Conceito) will also focus on two fundamental issues for the footwear industries - environmental sustainability and solutions for the transformation of the sector's industrial parks to the concept of Industry 4.0.


Held by Fenac Experiências Conectam (Fenac’s Experiences that Connect), the Brazilian Institute of Technology for Leather, Footwear and Artifacts (IBTeC) and Coelho Assessoria Empresarial, the factory is a unique project in the world, its purpose is to present footwear manufacturers who visit the fair with solutions for the manufacturing of footwear and artifacts. In the 2022 edition, the project will have the partnership of two giants in the sector - Calçados Arezzo and Paquetá Calçados. “There will be four production lines – two from Arezzo, one from Paquetá and one operated by the students of SENAI (National Service for Industrial Training) footwear technical course”, highlights the technical coordinator of the IBTeC, Paulo Model, who is responsible for the entire operational part of the project. The operation will have the participation of 70 companies, including footwear brands, suppliers of machinery, equipment, components, raw materials and technological solutions exhibitors at the fair. Around 110 workers (including 60 students from SENAI Calçado) will be responsible for producing 2,200 pairs of shoes over the three days of the fair.



Fimec Studio presents the sustainability and digitalization theme

Estúdio Fimec 2022, a traditional space at the fair aimed at thinking about the future of fashion based on consumer behavior, will address sustainability and digitalization issues. The attraction presents materials, products and systems within the concepts proposed by the space. “Sustainability and digitalization are the themes that have expanded the most during the Pandemic and, therefore, will be present in this year’s edition”, highlights the coordinator of Estúdio Fimec, Luís José Coelho.


During this unique opportunity, natural raw materials, fiber fabrics, details with seeds and materials produced in a sustainable way will be on display. In the digitalization part, the public can check the complete process of developing shoe shapes in a virtual way, with the creation of different prints and art in this environment, already introducing the concept of metaverse to the sector. “We have great expectations for this edition, as it has been two years since the last Fimec event and the sector is experiencing one of the best moments of the past ten years”, projects Coelho. In a new location, this year's Estúdio Fimec is located at the entrance of the trade show, welcoming the public.



Event: 45th Fimec (International Fair of Leather, Chemicals, Components and Equipment for Footwear and Tanneries)

Data: March 8 to 10, 2022

Time: 1PM to 8PM

Venue: Fenac | Exclusive access via the Main Hall: Av. Nações Unidas, 3025, Ideal, Novo Hamburgo/RS, Brazil

Registration: anticipate registration via the website. Free registration for sector professionals. Professional trade show. Open to visitors aged 16 and older.

Organization: Fenac Experiências Conectam

Sponsorship: Covestro, Sicredi Pioneira and Transduarte


More information: via and our social networks: and

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