Henkel is a sponsor of Fórum Fimec

Henkel operates globally with a diversified and well-balanced portfolio. The company maintains leadership positions with its three business units, both in industrial and consumer markets, thanks to strong brands, innovations and technologies. Henkel Adhesive Technologies is a global leader in the adhesives market – in all industrial segments worldwide. In its Laundry & Home Care and Beauty Care businesses, Henkel holds leading positions in many markets and categories around the world. Founded in 1876, Henkel has more than 140 years of success. Henkel employs more than 53,000 people globally – a passionate and highly diverse team united by a strong organizational culture, a common purpose to create sustainable values and shared them. As a recognized leader in sustainability, Henkel holds leading positions in many international indexes and rankings. Henkel's preferred shares are listed on the DAX index of the German stock exchange. For more information, please visit www.henkel.com.

About Henkel Brasil

Henkel has been in Brazil for 65 years and operates in the areas of Adhesives, Sealants and Surface Treatment and Beauty Care, with leading brands such as Cascola, Loctite, Pritt and Schwarzkopf Professional.  Henkel Brasil has more than 970 professionals distributed across its plants in Itapevi and Jundiaí, in addition to a Distribution Center in Jundiaí, a central office in the Lapa neighborhood and an ASK Academy located on Avenida Paulista, in São Paulo.

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