Sicredi Pioneira takes differentiated financial solutions to Fimec 2022

Participants of the 45th edition of the international fair of the leather footwear sector will have investment lines with exclusive rates and exchange services for import and export business deals

It has always been in Sicredi Pioneira's DNA the commitment to contribute to the development of the 21 municipalities in its area of operation. And it is with this objective in mind that the cooperative financial institution participates in the 45th Fimec – International Fair of Leather, Chemical Products, Components, Machinery and Equipment for Footwear and Tanneries from March 8th to the 10th , at Fenac, in Novo Hamburgo (RS).  

“The leather-footwear sector is a reference in the Vale do Sinos region, being the main development hub of this segment in the international scenario. We know how much it represents in terms of generating employment, income and economic & social development, besides that, this is directly connected to our purpose, which is Together We Build Better Communities”, emphasizes the Business Director of Sicredi Pioneira, Luiz Wazlawick. 

Wazlawick also draws attention to the relevance of the segment, being the great driver of economic and social development and impacting, in addition to the local region, the whole State of Rio Grande do Sul, at national and international levels. “Fimec is the only fair that brings together the entire chain in the same event. That's why it has this importance and relevance, since it is also aimed precisely at entrepreneurs who seek the constant evolution of their business. It is the third consecutive year that Sicredi Pioneira participates as a sponsor, because we believe in all the positive impact it generates and, mainly, allowing us to put our purpose into practice. How can we miss participating in a fair that is directly connected to our vision of developing better communities?”, he points out. 

Investment lines with special conditions 

For this edition of Fimec, Sicredi Pioneira will have important solutions to serve the segments of Legal Entities and Individuals. Wazlawick explains that the focus will be on lines of investment so that companies can take out credit for the acquisition of machinery, equipment, technology, innovation and everything related to their sector. “We will have special conditions for the period of the fair in order to meet these demands”, says the director, adding that, in addition to investment lines with special conditions of rates and grace periods, cash flow solutions will be available, such as working, revolving and advance capital. 

Currency Exchange Solutions 

Knowing the importance of import and export operations for the leather-footwear segment, Sicredi Pioneira will make available to the public at the 45th Fimec all its know-how for exchange solutions. “For 2022, even in a scenario of uncertainties, especially in the national market, the market intelligence sector of the Brazilian Association of Footwear Industries (Abicalçados) projects a growth close to 5%, reaching a production outcome close to the Pre-Pandemic Period, reaching 880 million pairs of shoes. As in 2021, exports must be the engine of the market. The volume should grow above 5%, and the sector should export more than 100 million pairs, with the percentage of production for export close to 15%”, says the exchange advisor at Sicredi Pioneira, Carlos Bruno da Silva. 

About Sicredi Pioneira:  

Established in 1902, Sicredi Pioneira is the first Cooperative Financial Institution in Latin America and the oldest private financial institution operating in Brazil. Offering a complete portfolio, with more than 300 financial solutions, Pioneira seeks to contribute to the improvement of the quality of life and the growth of more than 188 thousand associates and the communities of the 21 municipalities in which it operates, in the regions of Vale do Sinos and Serra Gaúcha: Alto Feliz, Canela, Caxias do Sul, Dois Irmãos, Estância Velha, Feliz, Gramado, Ivoti, Lindolfo Collor, Linha Nova, Morro Reuter, Nova Petrópolis, Novo Hamburgo, Picada Café, Portão, Presidente Lucena, Santa Maria do Herval, São Francisco de Paula, São José do Hortêncio, São Leopoldo and Vale Real. Its headquarters is in Nova Petrópolis/RS, the National Capital of Cooperatives. Sicredi Pioneira is among the largest in the Sicredi System, comprising more than 100 cooperatives, distributed in 25 states and the Federal District, with more than 5.5 million members in Brazil. 

Captions for the pictures:

Pictures of Sicredi Pioneira's booth at Fimec 2020 

Credits: Vinicius Fernandes Martins 

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