Fimec Studio showcases sustainability and digitalization

The Fimec Studio Challenge is the latest feature of the traditional trade show, set for March 8 to 10, at Fenac, in Nova Hamburgo, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

With just under two months to go, the 45th edition of Fimec (International Fair of Leather, Chemicals, Components and Equipment for Footwear and Tanneries) is scheduled to take place from March 8 to 10, with visitors welcomed to the Fenac pavilions in the city of Nova Hamburgo, in Rio Grande do Sul. From 1 PM to 8 PM, the trade show will be showcasing new solutions geared towards the leather-footwear industry. Under the motto “the only one with everything to create tomorrow”, this edition will be presenting an increasingly sustainable industry, attentive to market behaviors. Along these lines, Fimec Studio 2022, a traditional space at the trade show aimed at conceiving the future of fashion based on consumer behaviors, will touch on topics including sustainability and digitalization.


The feature will be presenting materials, products and systems that are in line with the concepts proposed by the space. “Sustainability and digitalization have been some of the fastest developing subjects during the pandemic and, as such, they will be explored at this year’s edition”, stated Fimec Studio coordinator Luís José Coelho. Natural raw materials, fiber-based fabrics, decorative elements using seeds and sustainably produced materials will all be on display. In terms of digitalization, the public will be met with the complete process for the virtual development of footwear, with the creation of prints and art within this environment, introducing the concept of the metaverse into the sector. “We have great expectations for this edition, as it’s been two years since we last hosted Fimec and the sector is currently experiencing it’s best phase in the past ten years”, states Coelho.



Visitors to be met with attraction

Fimec Studio will be situated at the entrance to the trade show this year, offering a warm welcome to the visiting public. To Fernanda Mazzuca, the Fenac architect responsible for the architectural layout of Fimec Studio, the subject of space served as inspiration and allowed for the creation of a welcoming setting, with the use of natural elements, reused and sustainable materials, coupled with technological features. “The idea is that when visualizing the space, visitors immediately notice the subject matter reflected in the surroundings and trends within the footwear sector”, reveals Ms. Mazzuca.


She spoke about the challenges of designing the attraction within this new area of the trade show. “For the first time, Fimec Studio will be situated in a prime location with major visibility, right at the entrance to the trade show. As this is an area with a higher flow of visitors, special attention was paid to circulation, to common areas and ways to display products”, said Mazzuca. “The goal is to get visitors to understand and interact with the setting, learning more about the proposed theme and coming into contact with the materials on display, making this the best experience possible”, she said.


Fimec will take place in line with current official protocols for biosafety to welcome exhibitors and visitors, while remaining abreast with the latest governmental decrees.




Event: 45th Fimec (International Fair of Leather, Chemicals, Components and Equipment for Footwear and Tanneries)

Data: March 8 to 10, 2022

Time: 1PM to 8PM

Venue: Fenac | Exclusive access via the Main Hall: Av. Nações Unidas, 3025, Ideal, Novo Hamburgo/RS, Brazil

Registration: anticipate registration via the website. Free registration for sector professionals. Professional trade show. Open to visitors aged 16 and older.

Organization: Fenac Experiências Conectam

Sponsorship: Covestro, Sicredi Pioneira RS and Transduarte


More information: via and our social networks: and


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