Why expose?
- The largest leather-footwear trade show in Latin America
- Qualified visitors with decision-making power
- Prospecting for new clients and closing business deals
- Strengthening relationships and establishing partnerships
- 46 editions - Event with high satisfaction rate
- Coverage by specialized professionals form the national and international press
FAIR is a great relationship and marketing tool that provides, in addition to branding, direct contact with the stakeholders of your business.
To be a Fimec Exhibitor, it's simple, make contact with the Rufatto team that is ready to assist you.
Doubts - Whats: +55 51 999694153
Contact us
Av. Bento Gonçalves, 1731, sala 152 | Centro |
CEP 93410-003 | Novo Hamburgo/RS - Brazil
Phone: +55 51 30675750 | +55 51 999694153
Contact us
Av. Bento Gonçalves, 1731, sala 152 | Centro |
CEP 93410-003 | Novo Hamburgo/RS - Brazil
Phone: +55 51 30675750 | +55 51 999694153
Additional Services
FIMEC offers exhibitors additional services to complement their booth and their performance during the fair.
EXHIBITOR, you received in the e-mail registered in the contract through the Exhibitor Service Center, the LOGIN/PASSWORD to access the Exhibitor Space. There you can see the Exhibitor Manual , Timetable, Circulars and request Badges. If you have not received this e-mail, request it to: operational@fenac.com.br informing the company and to which e-mail it should be sent.
Consult the commercial department for MERCHANDISING opportunities at FIMEC:
FENAC: +55 51 35847200
RUFATTO: +55 51 30675750 | comercial@rufatto.com.br
WHATS: +55 51 999694153 | marketing@fenac.com.br

Promotional Materials
Download the FIMEC disclosure materials (logo, card, banner and newsletter) .
Stand Models

It's simple: just contact the event's commercial - Rufatto at the e-mail comercial@rufatto.com.br or by phone +55 51 3067-5750. If you prefer, send a whats to +55 51 999694153.